孤枕難眠 I don't like to sleep alone Paul Anka


孤枕難眠 I don't like to sleep alone Paul Anka

孤枕難眠 I don't like to sleep alone Paul Anka mp3
 Paul Anka (保羅安卡) - I Don't Like To Sleep Alone
 I don't like to sleep alone 
 Stay with me, don't go 
 Talk with me for just a while 
 So much of you to get to know 
 Reaching out, touching you 
 Leaving all the worries all behind 
 Loving you the way I do 
 My mouth on yours and yours on mine 
 Marry me 
 Let me live with you 
 Nothing's wrong and love is right 
 Like a man says in his song 
 Help me make it through the night 
 Loneliness can get you down 
 When you get to thinking no one cares 
 Lean on me 
 And I'll lean on you 
 Together we will see it through 
 No, I don't like to sleep alone 
 It's sad to think some folks do 
 No I don't like to sleep alone 
 No one does, do you? 
多年來  已經習慣與妳共眠
今夜  熟悉的影像突然消失
偌大的房間  只有暗夜陪伴
悵然若失地  想著有妳的日子

 如果可以  我會勇敢地說出
是我的自私與狂傲  傷了妳的心
咀嚼這一夜 漫無止境的苦楚
讓我的心裡 更加明白
少了妳的溫柔 孤枕必定難眠

曾經是妳 無私的關懷與呵護
寵壞了 一個邪惡的男人
加諸在 妳身上的無情
我想  用一世的懺悔
也再難挽回 妳的摯愛

 如果可以 我還想在妳耳際
唱著那首 妳最喜愛的歌
I'd love you to want me
但我很清楚 這是不可能再實現的奢望
今夜 我依舊要孤枕難眠
但 以後的日子呢?